Ministerial Conference on Plastic Pollution including Marine Litter
28 October 2024 in Cali, Colombia


On the occasion of the Ministerial Conference on Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution, you are cordially invited to the following side events on the sidelines of the conference.


Click on the items below for more information.

"Global governance of plastic pollution: Transforming the Global Plastic Economy" 

co-hosted by TESS & The GGC

on 30 August, 13h00-18h00 CET

Link for further information

"Nordic Report #4 – 

plastic sustainability criteria in a new global agreement on marine plastic litter and plastic pollution"

co-hosted by the NIVA and the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment 

on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers of Environment and Climate

on 30 August, 14h00-15h00 CET

Link for further information

"Stakeholder perspectives on a UN treaty on plastics pollution: Transforming the global plastics economy"

co-hosted by TESS & Geneva Environment Network

on 30 August, 13h00-14h00 CET

Link for further information

"Global governance of plastic pollution: Transforming the Global Plastic Economy" 

co-hosted by TESS & The GGC

on 31 August, 13h00-18h00 CET

Link for further information

"High level reception hosted by the Swiss government

organized by Switzerland

on 1 September, 17h00 CET

Further information following soon

"Plastique et climat, même combat?
Festival Alternatiba

Cette session fait également partie de la série de dialogues sur la lutte contre la pollution plastique - Geneva Beat Plastic Pollution Dialogues - co-organisée avec plusieurs acteurs de la Genève internationale.

on 1 September, 19h45-20h45 CET

Link for further information

"How can cooperation on trade contribute to the UNEA process on plastic pollution?”

co-hosted by Ecuador, UNEP, UNCTAD,  the Forum on Trade, Environment and the SDGs (TESS)

on 2 September, 12h00-12h45 CET

Link for further information

Further updates on side events will be uploaded continiously.