Annotated Agenda
Item 1.
Opening of the Ministerial Conference
The Ministerial Conference on Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution is jointly convened by the Governments of Ecuador, Germany, Ghana and Vietnam with the aim to keep the topic of marine litter and plastic pollution high on the political agenda towards the resumed fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly in 2022 (UNEA 5.2). The Ministerial Conference is led by the co-conveners, with technical and logistical support from UNEP. The Ministerial Conference will be opened at 14:00 (CET) on Wednesday, 1 September 2021. Interpretation into all United Nations official languages will be provided during the Ministerial Conference.
Item 2.
Update of recent progress on the issue of marine litter and plastic pollution
The Chair(s) will invite various representatives of global initiatives of relevance to this meeting to provide brief updates on recent progress on the issue of marine litter and plastic pollution.
Item 3.
a) Presentation of key takeaway messages from five thematic workstreams
The key take away messages from the five thematic workstreams discussed during the pre-meetings held 27 – 28 May and 28 – 29 June 2021 will be presented:
i. Common goal/vision and objectives of a potential global instrument
ii. Data, monitoring and reporting
iii. Measures to address marine litter and plastic pollution, including through a life cycle approach, and dialogue with industry and consumers
iv. National and regional cooperation, coordination, and implementation
v. Financial and technical support
b) Reflections on the draft Ministerial Statement
Co-conveners will present the revised draft Ministerial Statement, which has been prepared based on the discussions during the two pre-meetings and taking into consideration the inputs received.
Participants will be invited to consider the content of the revised draft Ministerial Statement.